Little Lou Lou, "Llewellen's Bane"

Jacq the Giant Killer


Size: knockdown 10
Dexterity 9
Strength 11
Constitution: major wound 22

Damage 4d6
Healing rate + religion bonus 3+2=5
Movement 2

Combat skills

Battle 3
Horsemanship 11

Sword 16
Lance 2
Dagger 4
Long bow (One eyed: -5) 13
Spear 7
Great spear 1
Brawling (dex/2) 4

Non-combat skills

Awareness (One eyed: -5) 5
Chirurgery 2
Compose 2
Courtesy 6
Dancing 3
Faerie lore 5
Falconry 2
First aid 25
Flirting 7
Folk lore 4
Gaming 3
Heraldry 3
Hunting 9
Industry 5
Intrigue 3
Orate 3
Play harp 3
Read Ogham 1
Recognise 6
Religion: Pagan 2
Singing 14
Stewardship 6
Swimming 1
Tourney 1

Hit points 32

Current hit points:
Unconscious 7
Chirurgery needed [ ]

Armour 21

Chain 12
Shield 6
Chivilary bonus 3
Girdle of the witch

Personal data

Homeland Cambria
Culture Cymric
Religion Pagan

Father's name Llewellyn o' the South
Father's class Warrior
Daughter number 1

Lord King Daffid
Current class Lady
Current home Destroyed by my brother

Year born497
Age 18

Distinctive features

Beautiful singing voice.
Healing hands.
Lost one eye and scar across face.


Loyalty: Rydachen 13
Loyalty: Arthur 14
Loyalty: King Daffid 18

Hospitality 15

Love: family 16
Amor: Prince Shamus McDrost 20
Amor: Garath of Nottingham 16

Honour 12
Battle boast: Vengence on Bradwin's killers 18
Battle boast: Recover Star Sword 17


Sword and gold spurs from Arthur